Originally posted November 22, 2010 on Time to be Mom.
I know. At this time of year everyone is talking about this, but there's a reason. All too often, as we trudge through our daily lives, we forget to stop and appreciate all the things that are good in our lives. I heard a great analogy today (in regards to something else, but it fits).
The speaker said it was as if she had blinders on. She could not see anything on either side of her, only what was directly ahead. I know that I can very easily get caught up in my to-do list: what's the next things I HAVE to do, ok, what's the Next thing I have to do, and I go from one "have to do" item to the next without even looking up.
So, I want you to take a moment to stop all of your doing and going. Take a look around and see- really see- what you have.
Do you have someone who loves you? Think of your friends and family.
Are you and those you love healthy? Think of the things you can do with that great body of yours.
Do you have a passion in your life? Think of the things that bring you joy.
Is there beauty in your life? Think of the beautiful fall leaves out your window.
We all have something to be thankful for. I bet that if we stopped more than once a year to remember that, we'd be much happier and contented people. Today I am thankful for my son and his unabashed love (knowing that one day he will be more reluctant to show it) and for my husband who is so patient and supportive when I least deserve it and for my God who somehow loves me even more than my two boys do.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Where does my Help come from?
Originally posted Ocober 23, 2010 on Time to be Mom.
The other day, Psalm 121:1-2 got stuck in my head- all day! Of course, it started with hearing the song version on the radio, but the words stuck with me. "I lift my eyes up to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord- Maker of heaven and earth."
It got me thinking: what would that help look like? We know that he can give us peace in our distress and clarity in our chaos, but what about practical help? When Jesus walked the earth, he offered physical help. He fed people who were hungry and healed those who were sick. If God is the same now as he always has been, then He must still offer practical help, not just emotional.
As I pondered, it occurred to me that he often uses his people to meet needs. When forming the church, he designed it so that all of the people, who have different strengths and weaknesses could work together to make the church fully functional. Without the business-minded people, the budget would never be made or held to. Without those called to study and preach, we would not learn more about God than what we can discern for ourselves. Without the creative people, there would not be music to worship to. The church needs all kinds of people.
I'm wondering if He designed not just the church, but families to work this way as well. In my family, Mike is the detailed, logical one, so he does the finances, and I'm the organizer (Funny, I know, when I'm having problems with chaos), so I schedule appointments and organize the house, etc.
If I look beyond my home, my mom is the creative one and she actually enjoys cleaning! I also have a working student who enjoys gardening. Perhaps we can help each other. I can help my mom organize her schedule and craft supplies and she can help me deep clean (after I've gotten the mess under control). and maybe I can have my working student do her work in the garden rather than in the barn. Together, we'll have 2 clean organized homes with beautiful gardens and my student will enjoy both her working time and the riding time she earns.
How can you pool your resources with others to help enhance everyone's life?
The other day, Psalm 121:1-2 got stuck in my head- all day! Of course, it started with hearing the song version on the radio, but the words stuck with me. "I lift my eyes up to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord- Maker of heaven and earth."
It got me thinking: what would that help look like? We know that he can give us peace in our distress and clarity in our chaos, but what about practical help? When Jesus walked the earth, he offered physical help. He fed people who were hungry and healed those who were sick. If God is the same now as he always has been, then He must still offer practical help, not just emotional.
As I pondered, it occurred to me that he often uses his people to meet needs. When forming the church, he designed it so that all of the people, who have different strengths and weaknesses could work together to make the church fully functional. Without the business-minded people, the budget would never be made or held to. Without those called to study and preach, we would not learn more about God than what we can discern for ourselves. Without the creative people, there would not be music to worship to. The church needs all kinds of people.
I'm wondering if He designed not just the church, but families to work this way as well. In my family, Mike is the detailed, logical one, so he does the finances, and I'm the organizer (Funny, I know, when I'm having problems with chaos), so I schedule appointments and organize the house, etc.
If I look beyond my home, my mom is the creative one and she actually enjoys cleaning! I also have a working student who enjoys gardening. Perhaps we can help each other. I can help my mom organize her schedule and craft supplies and she can help me deep clean (after I've gotten the mess under control). and maybe I can have my working student do her work in the garden rather than in the barn. Together, we'll have 2 clean organized homes with beautiful gardens and my student will enjoy both her working time and the riding time she earns.
How can you pool your resources with others to help enhance everyone's life?
The Big Picture
Originally posted October 21, 2010 on Time to be Mom.
I know that there are many, many moms out there who would love to stay home with their children but for whom that simply isn't an option. I have been very blessed. I have a very supportive husband who has told me that it's my decision and who earns an income we can live on- if we're wise in our spending.
If I do stay home, I'm going to have to make sure that it is without putting my family (particularly Mike) under financial strain. To do that, I am going to have to cut some costs. The first thing I'm going to have to do is sell some horses. The difficulty comes in choosing which ones. The second thing I need to do is make sure we are staying on a budget. My friend Chrystal does a great job of finding ways to stretch her family's budget. I'll have to get some tips from her.
Looking at my jobs, I have been wondering if I'm even making money with them. Income from riding lessons varies greatly depending on weather and the economy. The horses however, could not care less. They still eat the same amount of food, still need their hooves trimmed, etc. So, is it really worth hanging on to all of these sweet, beautiful money pits? Probably not. One advantage to having my own barn is that, if I sell some of my horses, stalls become available for boarding other people's horses. Hmmm... that may be an option.
As for my "office job," while it pays more without the overhead, it is also more hours. I can't bring Josh to work with me like I can at the barn, so I see him less (a LOT less) and have to pay for extra childcare. It's also about 45 minutes away, so add extra time and gas money for that. Since I don't have time to take care of the barn or work with the horses, I have to hire someone to do that. Put these all together and suddenly it doesn't look so appealing. Luckily, this particular job is on a contract basis, so I can simply say I'm unavailable if offered another project after the one I'm currently working on.
Perhaps, once I've gotten some control over my chaos, I'll look at doing something part-time from home, but I think my days of full-time are coming to a close. I have to remember that there is a bigger picture. One with a precious little boy, a sweet & handsome man, and another sweet little one who will soon be joining them.
I know that there are many, many moms out there who would love to stay home with their children but for whom that simply isn't an option. I have been very blessed. I have a very supportive husband who has told me that it's my decision and who earns an income we can live on- if we're wise in our spending.
If I do stay home, I'm going to have to make sure that it is without putting my family (particularly Mike) under financial strain. To do that, I am going to have to cut some costs. The first thing I'm going to have to do is sell some horses. The difficulty comes in choosing which ones. The second thing I need to do is make sure we are staying on a budget. My friend Chrystal does a great job of finding ways to stretch her family's budget. I'll have to get some tips from her.
Looking at my jobs, I have been wondering if I'm even making money with them. Income from riding lessons varies greatly depending on weather and the economy. The horses however, could not care less. They still eat the same amount of food, still need their hooves trimmed, etc. So, is it really worth hanging on to all of these sweet, beautiful money pits? Probably not. One advantage to having my own barn is that, if I sell some of my horses, stalls become available for boarding other people's horses. Hmmm... that may be an option.
As for my "office job," while it pays more without the overhead, it is also more hours. I can't bring Josh to work with me like I can at the barn, so I see him less (a LOT less) and have to pay for extra childcare. It's also about 45 minutes away, so add extra time and gas money for that. Since I don't have time to take care of the barn or work with the horses, I have to hire someone to do that. Put these all together and suddenly it doesn't look so appealing. Luckily, this particular job is on a contract basis, so I can simply say I'm unavailable if offered another project after the one I'm currently working on.
Perhaps, once I've gotten some control over my chaos, I'll look at doing something part-time from home, but I think my days of full-time are coming to a close. I have to remember that there is a bigger picture. One with a precious little boy, a sweet & handsome man, and another sweet little one who will soon be joining them.
Pay Attention!
Originally posted on Time to be Mom October 19, 2010.
So I'm up at 4:00 because the dogs HAD to go out at 3:00 (no telling). After spending the last hour or so unsuccessfully trying to go back to sleep, I figured I'd do something I CAN get done.
Over the weekend, I have put a lot of thought into what my goals and priorities are or should be. One thing I realized was that, although my heart tells me my son is my highest priority, my mind tells me that he can't be. For one thing, if I put all of my focus and energy into him, as so many other parents find themselves doing, there will be nothing guiding the rest of my life and there will be no energy left for myself or my husband.
At our house, we have been struggling the last couple of weeks with listening. I don't know if it's because I haven't had enough time with him or because he's four...maybe both. For the most part, Josh is a good kid. He has his drama and his strong-willed side (which, I have to admit, are my contributions to his personality) but he shares and takes turns and is respectful to others. What we have run into is this phase where, when asked to do something, he says okay and then happily proceeds to something entirely different or just keeps doing whatever he was doing. We've also been trying to work on having him respond when we ask a question, rather than repeating it until he gives an answer. I've discovered that half the time, if I ask him what I said, he can't tell me.
Realizing that none of this is new to most parents, it got me thinking. I know that my first priority should be God. I know that he has a plan for my life and that, should I follow that plan, that would be the best version of my life. The question is, am I making Him the top priority in my life or am I making my family and my giant to-do list my priority. It seems that, as happens to many others I know, I have gotten so bogged down in the immediate, I have forgotten that there is MORE to this life. How am I supposed to follow God's leading in my life, when I'm too distracted to hear even if he's talking to me? Just as my son doesn't hear me if the tv is on in the background, I can't hear God over the din of my chaos.
So, my first priority MUST be to set aside some daily time to listen to someone who knows more about this world than I do. Only then will I have the help and guidance I need to keep myself (and my life) focused so that I can attend to my second priority, which is my family. All of the other things; a clean house, being healthy, even things I want do, come after those and out of them. How? Because I want my family to be able to have friends over and have a mom who is healthy enough to run and play and for us to show compassion and to go and experience new things together.
One thing I have learned about God over the years is that he is a big fan of relationships. His word is filled with wisdom about how we should relate to each other. He shows us how we can show love and support even during difficult times. As I get my schedule and such in order, I want to use the time that becomes available to develop those deep bonds with my family and friends that he illustrates for us. To take the time to show the people I love just how much I care. I'm sure that, if I pay attention to Him, these are the things He would want me to focus on.
So I'm up at 4:00 because the dogs HAD to go out at 3:00 (no telling). After spending the last hour or so unsuccessfully trying to go back to sleep, I figured I'd do something I CAN get done.
Over the weekend, I have put a lot of thought into what my goals and priorities are or should be. One thing I realized was that, although my heart tells me my son is my highest priority, my mind tells me that he can't be. For one thing, if I put all of my focus and energy into him, as so many other parents find themselves doing, there will be nothing guiding the rest of my life and there will be no energy left for myself or my husband.
At our house, we have been struggling the last couple of weeks with listening. I don't know if it's because I haven't had enough time with him or because he's four...maybe both. For the most part, Josh is a good kid. He has his drama and his strong-willed side (which, I have to admit, are my contributions to his personality) but he shares and takes turns and is respectful to others. What we have run into is this phase where, when asked to do something, he says okay and then happily proceeds to something entirely different or just keeps doing whatever he was doing. We've also been trying to work on having him respond when we ask a question, rather than repeating it until he gives an answer. I've discovered that half the time, if I ask him what I said, he can't tell me.
Realizing that none of this is new to most parents, it got me thinking. I know that my first priority should be God. I know that he has a plan for my life and that, should I follow that plan, that would be the best version of my life. The question is, am I making Him the top priority in my life or am I making my family and my giant to-do list my priority. It seems that, as happens to many others I know, I have gotten so bogged down in the immediate, I have forgotten that there is MORE to this life. How am I supposed to follow God's leading in my life, when I'm too distracted to hear even if he's talking to me? Just as my son doesn't hear me if the tv is on in the background, I can't hear God over the din of my chaos.
So, my first priority MUST be to set aside some daily time to listen to someone who knows more about this world than I do. Only then will I have the help and guidance I need to keep myself (and my life) focused so that I can attend to my second priority, which is my family. All of the other things; a clean house, being healthy, even things I want do, come after those and out of them. How? Because I want my family to be able to have friends over and have a mom who is healthy enough to run and play and for us to show compassion and to go and experience new things together.
One thing I have learned about God over the years is that he is a big fan of relationships. His word is filled with wisdom about how we should relate to each other. He shows us how we can show love and support even during difficult times. As I get my schedule and such in order, I want to use the time that becomes available to develop those deep bonds with my family and friends that he illustrates for us. To take the time to show the people I love just how much I care. I'm sure that, if I pay attention to Him, these are the things He would want me to focus on.
No Time to Be
Originally posted Oct 15 on Time to be Mom.
So...my life is chaos. No, really. I'm always running, always stressed and always tired. I've been so busy playing "catch up" that I haven't had time to play with my son. I haven't caught up either. I've had no time to be a wife, a mom, a friend, anything other than busy.
I don't want this to be my life...or my family's. Things have got to change. NOW.
I'm starting this blog as part journal for my own sanity and part in hopes that some of my trial and triumph can help encourage others who find themselves mired in the same much I have been.
As someone once said, "take heart in knowing that, when you're knee-deep in one of those days, you're not alone."
I have realized that scheduling is the main source of my stress and lack of time. But I have also realized that it is more than that. What I put in my schedule and what I leave out of it should reflect my goals and priorities. Right now, that is not the case.
The first thing I need to do is sit down and consider. What do I want for my life? For my family? What are the deep seeded longings of my heart? Who do I want to be? The answers to these questions will help me determine what my schedule should look like.
So...my life is chaos. No, really. I'm always running, always stressed and always tired. I've been so busy playing "catch up" that I haven't had time to play with my son. I haven't caught up either. I've had no time to be a wife, a mom, a friend, anything other than busy.
I don't want this to be my life...or my family's. Things have got to change. NOW.
I'm starting this blog as part journal for my own sanity and part in hopes that some of my trial and triumph can help encourage others who find themselves mired in the same much I have been.
As someone once said, "take heart in knowing that, when you're knee-deep in one of those days, you're not alone."
I have realized that scheduling is the main source of my stress and lack of time. But I have also realized that it is more than that. What I put in my schedule and what I leave out of it should reflect my goals and priorities. Right now, that is not the case.
The first thing I need to do is sit down and consider. What do I want for my life? For my family? What are the deep seeded longings of my heart? Who do I want to be? The answers to these questions will help me determine what my schedule should look like.
Time to be Inspired!
This blog is a branch off my regular Time to be Mom blog. I want my blog not only to be an outlet for myself but a resource to others. This page is devoted to those things which inspire us and encourage us to move past the obstacles and challenges to the finish line and to keep your life full and focused.
One of the first things that I realized in trying to get my life in order was that I needed to get my priorities in order first. If my priority is living the way god wants me to and teaching my children to do the same, then where and how I spend my time should reflect that, especially since children learn by example.
One of the verses that helped me learn how to live many years ago came back to me. It is Galations 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live now in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me."
I will still be using the Time to be Mom page as my main page, so all posts will be found there, but I will also copy the inspirational blogs on this page. Realizing that the first few have been online for awhile, I'm still going to repost them here for future reference. Those of you who have already read them, just bear with me as I work to get everything set up into a more usable format. Thanks for your patience and remember there is a reason to be inspired every day.
One of the first things that I realized in trying to get my life in order was that I needed to get my priorities in order first. If my priority is living the way god wants me to and teaching my children to do the same, then where and how I spend my time should reflect that, especially since children learn by example.
One of the verses that helped me learn how to live many years ago came back to me. It is Galations 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live now in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me."
I will still be using the Time to be Mom page as my main page, so all posts will be found there, but I will also copy the inspirational blogs on this page. Realizing that the first few have been online for awhile, I'm still going to repost them here for future reference. Those of you who have already read them, just bear with me as I work to get everything set up into a more usable format. Thanks for your patience and remember there is a reason to be inspired every day.
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